83% of the Spaniards desconocen that the airs conditioned improve the quality of the air.

El 83% de los españoles desconocen que los aires acondicionados mejoran la calidad del aire.
The Studio on quality of the air “pure Home home”, where release several interesting conclusions on this thematic. With the pandemia, the health and the environment have purchased more importance if it fits for the society and this reflects in the habits and priorities of the Spaniards.
Quality of the air and welfare.
The first part of this Studio confirms that the pandemia has caused an increase of the consciousness to take care the health and the welfare. 81% of the respondents consider it like this, being the women more rotundas to the hour to answer on this question that the men. Besides, almost the half of the Spaniards give more importance to the quality of the air that before the pandemia and 96% recognises to feel concerned for breathing an air of quality.
The results also confirm the need of the Spaniards to have more information  on the quality of the air, since to 74% would like them have more knowledge on this subject. This data increases more still when we speak of the rank of less age of the respondents (18-44 years) since they are 81% those that like this consider it.
This ignorance explains another of the conclusions that launches the Studio: 60% thinks that the air that breathes in his home is of quality of mistaken way, since when the reality is that it is among 2 and 5 more contaminated times that the outside, according to several studios among which finds the one of the Agency of Environmental Protection of United States (EPA).
Systems of climatización and purificadores.
In questions related with the squads of climatización and treatment of the air, is especially striking the data that 83% of the respondents desconocían that the squads of climatización also are able to improve the quality of the air. In this section also exists ignorance, since 9 of each 10 do not know how work the technologies of purification of air.
Finally, it is remarkable that 58% of the respondents are considering to invest in a squad of purification of air, what confirms the need of the Spaniards to win in health and welfare.  
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